
NAB 2014 Presentation


In this presentation, Jason Diaz and Sekani Solomon discuss how students at Savannah College of Art and Design helped FOX Sports develop concepts for the opening title sequence of Super Bowl XLVIII. The students developed several pitches, involving style frames and motion tests created in Cinema 4D. Sekani explains aspects of the preproduction process, while Jason demonstrates how motion capture was applied to Cletus using the Retarget Tag and Motion Clips.

Sekani also demonstrates several powerful aspects of the Cinema 4D workflow in other projects completed at SCAD. In Seasons, Sekani developed a flexible rig to animate leaves using deformers, User Data and Xpresso. In a Coca-Cola spec commercial, Sekani used the Inheritance Effector to easily copy animation to multiple clones.

03:27Super Bowl Preproduction
10:27Super Bowl Motion Capture
16:23Retarget Tag
17:59Motion System
25:15Additional Clones
26:01Seasons: leaf rig
38:20Coca-Cola: Inheritance Effector
48:24Q & A

Recorded live at NAB 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.